Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart

Product Configuration

The product/service you have chosen has the following configuration options for you to choose from.


Basic VPS - Self-managed - BIGGERBOX-20-1024
**Very limited availability - Invite code required**
**No uptime guarantee - best effort service**
**Refundable within 30 days even if IP is blocked by GFW**
SSD: 20 GB RAID-10
RAM: 1024 MB
CPU: 1x Intel Xeon
Transfer: 1000 GB/mo
Link speed: 1 Gigabit

Location: Los Angeles, DC99
Direct Premium China connectivity (best effort, no guarantees)
We use DC99 to test new things, it is not normally offered to the public.

Free automatic backups
Free snapshots
VPS technology: KVM/KiwiVM
OS: 32 or 64 bit Centos, Debian, Ubuntu
Instant OS reload
IPv4: 1 dedicated address
IPv6 support: **No**
Full root access
Instant RDNS update from control panel
No contract, anytime cancellation
Strictly self-managed, no support

Billing Cycle

Configurable Options

This product/service has some options which you can choose from below to customise your order.

